Tag Archives: obama

Stupid is as Stupid Does

Borrowing that line from “Forest Gump,” describes Barack Obama very well.

Spending 20-years in the Christ Trinity Church of Chicago, listening to Rev. Jeremiah Wright spout hatred of America was just one more of Obama’s bad judgments.

Obama claims he never heard Rev. Wright say anything hateful against America. According to a CBS News story, Wright said, Obama’s campaign told him, “It would not be a good idea for him to be in front of the cameras with Obama on the day he announces his candidacy.” That was long before the controversy erupted. What did they know that America didn’t know and when did they know it.

Obama’s campaign supporters are upset; they discovered our videos at www.neverfindout.org and believe that they are devastating to Obama’s campaign.

Barack Obama cannot be trusted to make sound decisions. Befriending William Ayers, Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan who according to the American Thinker calls Obama the Messiah is a perfect example of more bad decisions.

Will an Obama Presidency just mean more bad decisions?

What kind of President is Obama going to make if he keeps using bad judgment.

Let’s Never Find Out

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Filed under election 2008, let freedom ring, neverfindout.org, obama

Let’s do Lunch

According to the International Tribune, the global addition of the New York Times Obama said that he would sit down unconditionally with Iran’s President Ahmadidejan.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Barack Obama called for “direct diplomacy, with friend and foe alike,” saying he would meet with Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez and the Castro brothers, Cuba’s Communist leaders, in hopes of advancing democracy in the Caribbean. http://www.infoplease.com/biography/var/hugochavez.html

How can Obama negotiate with our enemies when he will drastically reduce our military, reduce is saying it mildly. According to World Net Daily Obama would gut our military.

Obama’s campaign supporters are really upset; they discovered our videos at www.neverfindout.org and believe that they are devastating to Obama’s campaign.

According to CNN Politics.com, Obama was against the surge in Iraq and to this day would not admit he was wrong.

Obama acts like he could just simply call up our enemies and say, “Let’s do lunch.”

Obama you have told us you have the judgment to lead our nation’s defenses. After you get finished, there will be no defenses to lead. Nice try Senator, telling us you want to negotiate with our enemies from a position of weakness.

Let’s pray we never find out.

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Filed under election 2008, let freedom ring, neverfindout.org, obama

Let me spend your money for you.

Barack Obama not only has promised us a tax cut, according to the Washington Times he has also proposed over $660 billion in additional spending Obama, according to Accuracy in Media he has sponsored the Global Poverty Act. According to an MSNBC report, this act donates .07% of our GDP to the U.N. World Poverty program.

World Net Daily reports this bill will cost American taxpayers over $845 billion on top of the $660 billion he wants for his programs.

Obama supporters are so upset; they know our videos at www.neverfindout.org are devastating for Obama’s campaign.

First Joe Biden says, “Paying taxes is patriotic” Obama then tells a Plumber we have to distribute wealth in America. Ask yourself this question: Do I want to decide whom I want to distribute my money to or do I want Obama doing it for me?

Let’s pray we never find out.

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Filed under election 2008, let freedom ring, neverfindout.org, obama

McCain’s Turn At Bat

This is what John McCain needs to do to hit a home run agaist Barack Obama in their last debate tonight. McCain should watch two videos at our website www.neverfindout.org . The one titled “Part of the Problem” will give him the talking points he needs to tell to tell Americans Barack Obama is part of the problem.

McCain needs to watch “Trust,” to be reminded of how dangerous Obama’s ties to terrorists are. He must be reminded of Obama’s connection to William Ayers, as reported at Politico.com.

John McCain should be reminded what World Net Daily said about Obama’s friend Rashid Khalidi a former representative for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

According to the New York Post in a speech in France, Jesse Jackson revealed Obama’s true policy regarding Israel. Obama denounced it, but it doesn’t matter you can’t unring the bell. If McCain neglects use these talking points, Obama will be President.

Let’s Never Find Out and Let Freedom Ring USA

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Filed under election 2008, let freedom ring, mccain, neverfindout.org, obama

Obama the Problem

Senator Obama’s total disregard to help reform the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE’s) has helped create the devastation that led us to the biggest financial crisis in American History. Obama is part of the problem without a solution.

The press said he benefitted politically from the economic mess he helped get us into. Why aren’t they telling us how it helped Obama financially?

You should watch this video www.neverfindout.org to understand why Barack Obama is part of the problem and he doesn’t have a solution. .

If Americans knew the facts, they would not vote for Sen. Obama. According to Open Secrets.org the Non-Partisan Center for Responsive Politics. There you will find that Senator Obama received the second largest contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In less than 143 days in the Senate, Obama received $126,349 and that was only from Fannie and Freddie. How much can he be bought for in the first 100 days as President?

Let’s Never Find Out.

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Think Beyond the Rhetoric

 Try to realize what the consequences of your vote will be on Election Day. 

 Try to realize how devastating an Obama presidency will be to you and your family. 

 Do you really want to wake up the morning after Election Day to find out the friend of a known terrorist and   ministers full of hatred for America is the next president of the United States? 

Let us never find out what will happen if we elect Barack Obama in the 2008 election.

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It’s A Beautiful Day In My Neighborhood


For twenty-years, Senator Obama followed Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a preacher of hate.


He said nothing as Wright screamed and ranted hatred of America.


Wright was his advisor and mentor.  Obama name his book Audacity of Hope after one of his sermons.


Obama sat in his church for twenty-years and said nothing.  He didn’t even try to stop it until he ran for President and it was exposed in the media.  Obama then tried to explain it away with his speech in Philadelphia A More Perfect Union”,


Watch our video “Trust” at www.neverfindout.org   Find out how dangerous an Obama Presidency could be


Obama collaborated with an admitted terrorist William Ayers.  He partnered with him on the Woods Foundation Board. However, Obama says according to the Weekly Standard, “He is not my friend he is only a guy in my neighborhood.”


According to an article by Dick Morris, Ayers was more than just a person in his neighborhood.  


Could we trust an Obama President who pals around with people who hate America and have admitted to bombing government buildings causing death and destruction? 


Let’s never find out.

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Filed under election 2008, let freedom ring, mccain, neverfindout.org, obama